Thursday, July 23, 2009

Video Assignment

Title: Save Electricity! ***
Credit: Hilary Jane

Digital Media Fundaments
Lecturer: Ip Yoke Ee

This particular module, I really enjoyed and loved to do all the exercises
and assignments given by my beloved lecturer.
I am not bullshitting but using words to express my feelings.
Throughout this module, I really got to learn A LOT.
I can remember every single thing that I learnt.
Create a group/cause/event in Facebook.
Create an account for Twitter.
Using a google account to do a google map.
Image editing by using Photoshop.
Illustrator to create a logo.
An Audio Podcast by using Soundbooth.
Adobe Premiere/IMovie to create a video.
All of these have to link back to the group that I've created.
'SAVE ELECTRICITY!' (Repeat it loud and clear!)
It was learning the basics about highly technology of softwares.
I, myself, admit that I am lousy at all these.
However, I am elated that I can learn from and friends.
Most importantly, it's the discipline to explore and practice it often.
Lastly, I am truly happy that I am able to submit all the assignments on time.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Assignment- Video

Last Assignment- Video

Create a 30sec promo video for your Facebook Group/ Event/ Cause.

It must be strictly 30sec. Not more, not less.

Copy the raw videos from me. It contains 4 video files, about 1Gb. The video files might not make much sense to you now but they give you lots of room to create something extremely crazy and creative.

You may or may not add additional audio, graphics, video and texts, depending on the concept of your promo video.

When done, export sequence to mpeg4. (I will post detailed instructions on how to do this in a separate page.)

Upload your video to YouTube. Use this log in details. Do not use your own account.

Assignment given by: Ip Yoke Ee

Yes, last assignment. But, I felt sad though.

I love this module, it was an interesting lesson. And, I love it.

I got to learn from the basics bit by bit. Definitely, my lecturer Rocks!

Ip Yoke Ee, she is an ultimate cool lady. <3

Let's get back to my assignment, :)

I did not use Adobe Premiere to create a video for this assignment.

I used IMovie which is a software only for apple laptops.

It is an easy, cool, interesting and awesome software to

create/edit/record/what-ever a video.

I, myself, knows that I am a 'noob' in technology. Serious.

But, IMovie is such a friendly user software.

I got to figure out and play with the effects, cool!

So, please do not go off from this Blog without watching it.

Right? Click Click Click the url and be amazed! Enjoy :D

(Credit: Hilary Jane)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

8Q Mueseum- Jason Lim

Field Trip.
16th July 2009- 8Q Museum (Singapore Art Museum)

Click here for Exhibition information.


Click here for Directions


Click here to read the blog on the exhibition.

There were 5 exhibitions in the Museum and I was told to select 1 exhibition.
I was clueless at first of which one to choose to share my point of views for this assignment.
After further research and questioning myself again and again,
I chose 'Last Drop' exhibition- Jason Lim.

From research:
For Jason’s exhibition, Joyce wanted to exhibit his previous performances of Last Drop in a manner that brought forth the various similarities, differences and underlying theme behind them. It was also meant to demonstrate to the public the artist’s signature ’style’ and explain the fluid nature of performance art as well. To do this, both Joyce and Jason agreed that the performances should be shown in both videos and stills in a progressive timeline.

During the discussion between artist and curator, it was decided that Jason would perform Last drop on the exhibition opening night and display the ‘props’ to be used in the gallery prior to that. Of course, it was Jason who arranged the display (the man’s got a very good aesthetic sense) in a manner that drew the eye and curiosity of the viewer. One couldn’t help but associate the presentation with the images in the screens - I know my imagination conjured up various possible scenarios, building-up anticipation for his performance to come.

Each artist in this exhibition is a ’star attraction’ and thus has a ‘personalised’ gallery with their names on the gallery doors, accompanied with his/her very own colour plane - Jason’s is yellow. 

Jason Lim really inspires me in this modern arts industry greatly.
Thinking out of the box and being a creative person to produce 'something' by ourselves. At the same time, using talented ways to attract the viewers' to admire our works. Our works can allow the viewers' to think and reflect about it.
Materials are important in order for us to create 'something' out creatively.
Furthermore, Jason Lim has a powerful mindset to do a special performance that no one has ever done it. I admired his courage and patience to learn it.
For instance, the glasses of his own performance. Woah, it was 'WOW'.

Lastly, I really hope that if you people are freeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
Please go to this Awesome Museum to take a look.
It will definitely be a marvelous experience! :D

Assignment- Audio Podcast.mp3

zSHARE - Assignment-Sound Track.mp3

Shared via

Create an audio podcast that promotes your Facebook Group, Event or Cause. It should be between 30sec to 1min in length.


Your audio podcast should have at least 3 distinctly different types of audio. Eg. vocal recording, music, sound effects. This should not be too difficult as you probably know by now that SoundBooth allows you to easily change the quality of a sound. With a simple change of pitch and timing, a deep sultry voice can be transformed into a cartoonish voice. 


Think of it as a radio spot or radio commercial. Jingle, radio drama, endorsements by people etc. Be creative!


Mixdown to mp3 and upload through zshare and link to your blog and facebook.

Assignment given by: Ip Yoke Ee

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

SoundBooth CS4- 3

zSHARE - Untitled Multitrack 1.mp3

Shared via

Scores and Video
Customizing scores

With scores, anyone can create compelling music and atmospheric soundtracks. Choose from dozens of score templates in a wide variety of styles, and then customize compositions for specific projects. Automate parameters such as Intensity and Melody with keyframes, creating dynamic soundtracks that evolve over time.

Soundbooth has two scores (SBST file) by default.

Assignment given be: Ip Yoke Ee

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

SoundBooth CS4- 2

zSHARE - SoundBooth 1.mp3

Shared via

My lecturer, Ip Yoke Ee, gave us another exercise.
Having crazily fun over it, LOL!

SoundBooth CS4- 1

Create and edit audio with ease
Adobe® Soundbooth® CS4 software gives web designers, video editors, and other creative professionals the tools to create and polish audio, customize music, add sound effects, and do much more.


Multitrack support and volume matching save you time
Soundbooth CS4 now allows you to work on more than one mono or stereo file at a time. In addition, third-party research shows volume matching across multiple clips saves significant production time.

For the pass few days, I have been learning how to use SoundBooth CS4.
The description is at the top of this post, I goggled and researched it.
I was given an assignment, Audio Track? I think.
I am figuring out how to use this software though.
It is not gonna be an easy task for me, I dislike playing with sounds.
So, it's a challenge for me!