Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Illustrator Work- 1

Illustrator CS4: Real World Adobe Illustrator CS4 - Tutorial eBook Real World Adobe Illustrator CS4 is the expressed meaning to Adobe’s industry-standard agent graphics code and is today in 4-color. With an easy, attractive style, communicator and time Illustrator creation trainer Mordy author takes readers finished every of the features of the program, explaining not exclusive how to ingest the assemblage of features but also ground and when to ingest them. This edition has been good updated for Illustrator CS4 and includes techniques on using the newborn binary artboards for quicker Illustrator impact crossways a difference of designs, demonstrations of the newborn Blob Brush agency and image in gradients, overviews of the newborn cross-product feature hold with InDesign, Flash, and Flex (opening up newborn opportunities for collaborations between developers and designers), and news on a whirlwind of another newborn multipurpose features. Along with tips, sidebars, and proficient commentary, there are also numerous 4-color illustrations and concealment shots from tributary artists included to substance readers the most rank news on this exceptional application. Designers from every fields–illustrators, animators, collection designers, realistic designers, scheme designers, and more–will encounter Real World Adobe Illustrator CS4 their one-stop pass to creating coercive designs in Illustrator. 

The two pictures above were using Illustrator CS4. They were exercises from my lecturer.
Well, I am sucked at all these technology stuff. It will never be easy for me.
I am thankful that I have a good lecturer and beloved classmates to help me up willingly.
Most importantly is I got to learn new things and explore it in the future.

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