Thursday, July 2, 2009


Open a free twitter account, build a profile with your real name, and find and follow all members of digital media production class, including me. Use this account for class purposes only.


Use Twitter Help page for support.  


Through Twitter search, find people who tweet about some of the topics or issues discussed in class so far. Follow who you want but certainly follow people who use digital media smartly and creatively. Be mindful of who and how many you follow. More is not better!


Compose at least one thick tweet.


Compose at least one aeoiu tweet.


Demo your work (3-5 minutes) in class on Thursday, July 2.

Your demo must include:

a) addressing one element of your profile

b) the way and ways you access twitter

c) a person or persons you added via your twitter search (other than classmates)

d) your thick tweet

e) your aeiou tweet.




Note: Experiment heavily, see what people are doing with Twitter and how to make your tweets good.

         We'll be using Twitter throughout the block.

-Assignment given by: Ip Yoke Ee.

Twitter, it becomes such a famous application in this world.

Honestly, I have learnt and discovered so much about it.

What is tweets? What is retweets? What is replies?

What is thin tweets? What is thick tweets? What is AEIOU?

Tinyurl/Twhirl/Tweetdeck? All of these words were used in Twitter's World.

Isn't that cool and awesome? Hence, I've created an account. (View it!)

Now, it's so convenient for my friends/classmates and me to keep in contact.

Furthermore, I can keep myself updates with 'fresh-from-oven' informations.

I am loving it inside out! (Go and create one, so I can know you much better!)

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