Monday, July 6, 2009




(a) Tweets:

A tweet is a post or status update on Twitter, a microblogging service. Because Twitter only allows messages of 140 characters or less, "tweet" is as much a play on the size of the message as it is on the audible similarity to Twitter.


(b) Replies

Create a semi-public conversation. To send a message to a specific user.


(c) Reweets:

Retweeting is an integral part of the Twitter experience. The retweet (or “RT”) allows Twitter users to share the best links, tweets, and gems they find from others using the service.


(d) Thin Tweets:

Thin tweets are posts that convey one layer of information.


(e) Thick Tweets:

Thick tweets convey two or more, often with help from a hyperlink.


(f) AEIOU (Already Existing Information Optimally Uploaded)

Giving us an individual and collective platform for presentation, conversation, and collaboration.



The TinyURL homepage includes a form that's used to submit a long URL for shortening. For each URL entered, the server adds a new alias in its hashed database and returns a short URL such as in the following page. If the URL has already been requested, TinyURL will return the existing alias rather than create a duplicate entry. The short URL forwards users to the long URL.rl



Basically it’s a desktop Twitter on steroids. Includes posting images to TwitPic, cross posting to your Pownce or Jaiku accounts and you can search your tweets using tweetScan or Terraminds.



TweetDeck is your personal browser for staying in touch with what’s happening now, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook and more. TweetDeck shows you everything you want to see at once, so you can stay organised and up to date.

All these knowledgeable meanings that I had researched were regarding of Twitter. I went to and google search for further informations. Please clink the website and check it out, it was really cool and interesting. The applications were awesome and creative for users to use it. Sign up for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee today!

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