Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Assignment- Video


Last Assignment- Video

Create a 30sec promo video for your Facebook Group/ Event/ Cause.

It must be strictly 30sec. Not more, not less.

Copy the raw videos from me. It contains 4 video files, about 1Gb. The video files might not make much sense to you now but they give you lots of room to create something extremely crazy and creative.

You may or may not add additional audio, graphics, video and texts, depending on the concept of your promo video.

When done, export sequence to mpeg4. (I will post detailed instructions on how to do this in a separate page.)

Upload your video to YouTube. Use this log in details. Do not use your own account.

Assignment given by: Ip Yoke Ee

Yes, last assignment. But, I felt sad though.

I love this module, it was an interesting lesson. And, I love it.

I got to learn from the basics bit by bit. Definitely, my lecturer Rocks!

Ip Yoke Ee, she is an ultimate cool lady. <3

Let's get back to my assignment, :)

I did not use Adobe Premiere to create a video for this assignment.

I used IMovie which is a software only for apple laptops.

It is an easy, cool, interesting and awesome software to

create/edit/record/what-ever a video.

I, myself, knows that I am a 'noob' in technology. Serious.

But, IMovie is such a friendly user software.

I got to figure out and play with the effects, cool!

So, please do not go off from this Blog without watching it.

Right? Click Click Click the url and be amazed! Enjoy :D

(Credit: Hilary Jane)

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